
Moving abroad with kids.

healthy lifestyle as digital nomad.

Traveling and living abroad with children

Adventure and challenge at the same time.

But the latter is no reason to throw your plans overboard. Quite the opposite. Experiencing other cultures is a positive life experience for parents and children.

Digital nomad and being a parent at the same time - is that possible?

Yes, it is.

Of course, traveling with kids or as a family is different than traveling alone. It requires a bit more planning and a change of mindset when choosing a location. But it is in any case an enrichment for all involved. Contact with other cultures is a positive life experience that children benefit from throughout their lives.

So you should never ask yourself if it is possible, but how.

What is Best Age

Depending on the age and personality of the child, different challenges come your way.

Toddlers are less likely to have problems with a new environment. As long as your parents are around, all is right with the world. On the other hand, working with a toddler is a challenge that needs to be well organized.

Children of elementary school age have often already established more fixed daily routines and their first lasting friendships. They should be involved in the planning right from the start. That way, you won’t have a feeling of powerlessness.


Preparing kids for a lifestyle as digital nomads

Here are three tips to help you prepare your kids for this unique lifestyle:

Open and honest communication: Start by having open and honest conversations with your kids about the digital nomad lifestyle. Explain to them why you have chosen this lifestyle and what it means for them. Address any concerns or questions they may have and provide reassurance. Encourage them to share their feelings and thoughts about the upcoming changes. By involving them in the decision-making process and keeping them informed, you can help them feel more secure and prepared.

Foster a sense of adventure and curiosity: Emphasize the positive aspects of the digital nomad lifestyle, such as the opportunity to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and make new friends. Encourage your kids to embrace the adventure and approach each new location with curiosity and an open mind. Engage them in research and planning activities related to the destinations you’ll be visiting. Show them pictures, read books about different countries, and discuss the exciting experiences they can look forward to. Cultivating a sense of excitement and wonder can help alleviate any anxieties they may have about the changes.

Develop a routine and maintain connections: Establishing a routine is crucial for providing a sense of stability amidst the constant change. Help your kids understand that even though their environment may change, certain aspects of their daily lives will remain consistent. Set aside specific times for schoolwork, play, family activities, and relaxation. Additionally, encourage them to maintain connections with family and friends from home through video calls, emails, or letters. Having familiar faces and maintaining relationships can provide a sense of continuity and support.

Remember to be patient and understanding as your kids adjust to the digital nomad lifestyle. Give them time to adapt and be prepared to provide additional support when needed. By fostering a sense of adventure, maintaining open communication, and establishing routines, you can help prepare your kids for the exciting journey ahead as digital nomads. 

3 Tips to provide stability and routine


Create a consistent daily schedule

Establishing a consistent daily schedule can provide a sense of stability for children. Set regular times for waking up, meals, schoolwork, playtime, and bedtime. While the specific activities may vary depending on the location and circumstances, maintaining a consistent routine within each day can help children feel grounded and secure.


Designate a dedicated study area

Set up a designated study area or learning corner wherever you go. It can be a specific spot in your accommodation, a portable study desk, or even a digital learning space on a laptop or tablet. Having a consistent place for learning and schoolwork helps children associate that space with focus and concentration.


Engage activities and hobbies

Encourage your children to engage in activities and hobbies that they enjoy and find comfort in, regardless of the location. Whether it’s reading, drawing, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in sports, having familiar activities as part of their routine can provide a sense of continuity and stability in their daily lives.

How will the digital nomad lifestyle impact our children's education?

The digital nomad lifestyle can have both positive and challenging impacts on children’s education.

One of the significant advantages of the digital nomad lifestyle is the opportunity for children to experience and learn from different cultures firsthand. They can immerse themselves in new languages, traditions, and ways of life, which can broaden their horizons and foster global awareness and empathy.

Flexibility in learning environments

Digital nomads have the flexibility to explore various learning environments beyond traditional classrooms. Children can learn in diverse settings, such as libraries, parks, museums, or even while traveling. This flexibility can enhance their adaptability and problem-solving skills.
Challenges of continuity and consistency: Constantly changing locations can pose challenges in maintaining continuity and consistency in education. It may require careful planning and organization to ensure a consistent educational experience for your children. This could involve finding reliable online learning resources, establishing routines, and ensuring access to necessary educational materials.

Socialization and peer interaction

It’s important to consider how your children will have opportunities for socialization and interaction with peers. Look for local communities, activities, or online platforms where your children can connect with other children. Participating in group activities, sports, or joining homeschooling co-ops can help foster social connections.
Parental involvement and personalized learning: The digital nomad lifestyle often allows for increased parental involvement in your children’s education. You have the opportunity to tailor their learning experiences based on their interests, strengths, and weaknesses. You can provide individualized attention and support to ensure their educational needs are met.

Emphasis on self-directed learning and life skills

The digital nomad lifestyle can encourage self-directed learning and the development of essential life skills. Children learn to adapt to new environments, solve problems, manage their time effectively, and take responsibility for their own education. These skills are valuable in their overall personal and academic growth.

Access to technology and online resources

Being digital nomads means having access to various technological tools and online resources that can enhance the learning experience. Online libraries, educational apps, virtual field trips, and video conferencing platforms can supplement traditional educational materials and provide additional learning opportunities.

kids abroad,digital nomads Kids

What safety measures will we put in place to protect our children during our travels?

Ensuring the safety of your children during your travels as digital nomads is of paramount importance. Here are some safety measures to consider:

Research and choose safe destinations: Before traveling to a new destination, research its safety reputation and any potential risks or concerns. Look for destinations known to be family-friendly and take into account factors such as political stability, healthcare quality, and overall safety ratings. It’s important to prioritize the well-being of your children when selecting your travel locations.

Stay informed about local laws and customs: Familiarize yourself with the local laws, customs, and cultural norms of the places you visit. Teach your children about any specific rules or behaviors they should be aware of to respect local customs and stay safe. Understanding and respecting local cultural sensitivities can contribute to a safer and more enjoyable travel experience for your family.

Maintain proper supervision and boundaries: Ensure that your children are supervised at all times, especially in unfamiliar environments. Set clear boundaries and guidelines for their behavior, such as sticking together in public places, not talking to strangers, or understanding what to do in case they get separated from you. Regularly communicate and reinforce safety rules with your children to ensure they understand and follow them.

Carry essential safety items: Pack necessary safety items such as a well-stocked first-aid kit, medications, and any required medical documents for your children. Additionally, consider carrying child identification documents (passports, ID cards) and keeping digital and physical copies of emergency contact information.

Secure accommodations and transportation: Prioritize safety when choosing accommodations by selecting reputable and child-friendly establishments. Ensure that the place you stay has appropriate safety measures in place, such as secure locks, childproofing options, and reliable fire safety precautions. When using transportation, opt for reputable providers and choose appropriate car seats, seat belts, or other safety restraints for your children, depending on their age and size.

Stay updated on health and vaccination requirements: Keep track of vaccination requirements and health advisories for the countries you plan to visit. Consult with healthcare professionals to ensure your children are up to date on vaccinations and discuss any necessary precautions or health considerations specific to your destinations.
Establish emergency communication plan: Create an emergency communication plan with your children, ensuring they know how to contact you or ask for help in case of an emergency. Teach them how to use emergency numbers and make sure they are aware of their location or can provide identifiable landmarks if needed.

Remember, each destination may present unique safety considerations, so it’s important to adapt and plan accordingly. Stay vigilant, maintain open communication with your children, and regularly assess and address potential risks to ensure their safety throughout your travels as digital nomads.

Top 5 destinations that are well-suited for digital nomads traveling with kids



Known for its safety, cleanliness, and efficient infrastructure, Singapore is an excellent choice for digital nomad families. The city-state offers a range of family-friendly attractions, parks, and recreational areas. It also has a reliable healthcare system and excellent educational opportunities.



Canada is renowned for its safety, friendly atmosphere, and stunning natural landscapes. Cities like Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal offer a high standard of living, excellent healthcare facilities, and a diverse range of cultural and educational opportunities for children.



Denmark consistently ranks among the safest countries in the world. Cities like Copenhagen provide a family-friendly environment with well-maintained parks, bicycle-friendly infrastructure, and a strong emphasis on education. The country also offers excellent healthcare services and a high quality of life.


New Zealand

With its breathtaking scenery, New Zealand is not only safe but also offers a great outdoor lifestyle for families. The country has a low crime rate, a robust education system, and a welcoming culture. There are plenty of opportunities for children to explore nature, engage in outdoor activities, and experience unique wildlife.



Japan is known for its safety, cleanliness, and efficient public transportation system. It offers a blend of modernity and traditional culture, providing a unique experience for digital nomad families. The country boasts excellent educational facilities, family-friendly attractions, and a strong emphasis on safety and security.